Tag Archives: baking

Sugar Crush

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Cake! So many cakes! A surfeit of cakes! So what does Smalls want when she gets to pick? She asked for the cake I made and brought, ha ha. She had a cupcake as well, and decided that she needed to help me eat my lunch atop that. It was a pleasant way to spend an hour out of the… Read more »

Let There Be Baking

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It’s been a long day. It’s been productive, so I’m a bit wiped out as a result. I made some good progress on work things, which was a relief after being so ill yesterday. Z and I organised to go to the store so I could get some baking bits//get some pizza from the pizza counter, and that went well…. Read more »

Progress in Motion

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Today, the glorious racket outside continued as the BT Openreach team continued to get the cabinet on our street installed and upgraded. I’m not exactly sure what they were doing, but it required them digging up part of the road (again). They were repaving it when I went to get Littler from school, and on the way back. I smiled… Read more »

Fifty Gold Stars

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I managed at needed bath today. I’ve declared myself to be bedecked in 50 gold stars in celebration of this achievement. I also managed some amount of work, child retrieval and care, and writing a long overdue check-in for The Scarlet B. It might not be covering oneself in glory for most people, but  yanno, it is for me. 🙂… Read more »

Let There Be Cake (and Chairs)

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We as a family went to the grocery store the other day. We do that sometimes on a weekend to spend too much money on assorted junk, but also just to get out of the house and do *something*. While we were there, I picked up a cake mix. I’d not baked anything in a really long time and I… Read more »