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A picture of my desk, better known as my nest. I was chatting with a friend earlier and I felt it prudent to show him my setup. I am really a very spoiled lucky girl woman. <3 There’s really not much more to report for the day. Laundry got processed to a degree, the usual knitting and gaming occurred, and… Read more »


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There’s been two or three sorts of progress today, hee hee. First off, I have given up on HeartGold for the moment and moved on to another Generation IV game, Pearl. I have never actually played Diamond/Platinum/Pearl before, so hopefully it will cooperate. I had really been looking forward to working my way up the games properly, but never mind…. Read more »

Et Voilà

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As probably comes as little surprise, my shawl is now complete. I haven’t gotten a fix on how I desire to wear it, but at least it’s there and pretty and chilling out on my desk. I’ve moved on to starting into the baby things I’m making for my sister’s forthcoming progeny, though I’ve already had to restart once because… Read more »

Finally. Ish.

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As of a few minutes ago, I have started casting off on my dratted/lovely shawlette. I’ve not done the cast off it calls for before, so it’s a bit fussy to do. It probably won’t take as long to do as I think, but at this exact second I don’t want to deal with it either. It also doesn’t help… Read more »

Getting There

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Knitting is… slowly progressing today. I keep distracting myself with silly things like kids and work and games, ha ha. Naw like, kids and I made it through the day alive, work got worked, and I’ve made more progress on my knitting today than I probably have in a single day in awhile. And I intend to pick it back… Read more »

And If Yesterday Was Bad…

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Today is legit worse. Like, Texas-hot worse — nudging into the 90s. That’s not British at all, hrmph. So of course, I propose we have Stitch ‘n Bitch outside tonight to take advantage of the warmth… so it’s starting to look like rain. Lulz. ¬¬ Still, at least the heat worked out for one thing — Z got out the… Read more »

It Burrrrrnssss

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So like, out of nowhere, it was scalding hot today. I’ve only been outside once, and that was after five to take something to the bin. My plan of ‘don’t move, stay under the fan’ had once again paid off, ha ha. So of course, I was reminded that we were overdue for a planned picnic, and could we have… Read more »

Twirl Twirl Twirl

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This head cold aftermath needs to die already, because today I have been swirly-dizzy. Having said that, while Skyping with my sister, she mentioned something about ear popping helping with ear infections. I gave it a go and my head felt like it had exploded. I think it was helpful? I’m still dizzy, but feeling a teense in the right… Read more »

De Nada

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Today was a spectacularly do-nothing day. Like, I finally unpacked the few bits still hanging out in my suitcase from a few weeks ago.  That’s seriously it, ha ha. Well, continuing HeartGold, and knitting, and a bit of Minecraft too. I’m feeling a bit better than yesterday, I think. I know that I was dragging my butt because Littlerbit tucked… Read more »

She’s Having a Baby (No, Not Me :p)

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Not me, definitely not me. Two are more than enough, and we are very committed to having an abortion if one should get past the Mirena coil and eventual vasectomy. Even if I occasionally have tiny wistful moments thinking of babies, I remember being in too much pain to sit, walk or sleep combined with the weight that each pregnancy… Read more »