Hard Times

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I try, for the most part, to avoid cross-linking my blogs, but sometimes I feel that it’s important to. To which I give you: Her Name was Ulla http://www.thescarletb.com/2016/09/08/her-name-was-ulla/ This is the second death amongst the Bipolaratti that I’ve known/heard about in the last couple of weeks, and that’s hard. Even if these people weren’t my BFFs, they were people… Read more »

Gone Pubbin’

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It’s alternate Wednesday, which means Stitch ‘n Bitch. I meant to write this while I was down at the pub, but my netbook decided it was going to spend the entire time trying to update itself instead of being useful. Sigh? Sigh. Still, it was a good night. I got some knitting done, there were cupcakes to eat, and we… Read more »

Bootie Bootie Boot-ay

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Also known as ‘Raeyn is in a goofy mood because of the word bootie(s)’, and has been running around saying this for a couple of days now. But lookit, I DID finish knitting a pair of booties, so it’s sort of warranted. Or something. The only thing left of that which I wanted to make is a scarf, and that’s… Read more »


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I finally made myself sit down and claim the assorted free Pokémon out there. This is the 20th anniversary of the franchise, so they’ve been giving out Mythicals all year. I’m super-pleased — I currently have 717 Pokémon out of the 721~ that are currently out. I’m missing two Mythicals that are from existing games, while the other two are… Read more »

Crystal Clear

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And by ‘crystal’ I mean melamine, ha ha. It sure is pretty though! I’d asked Z if he knew where our old glass one gotten to, and he was pretty sure it had been broken. Fair enough. I’d explained my plan to make up a pitcher of squash in the lounge on my desk in the hopes that it would… Read more »


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I don’t know what the deal is with the atmosphere right now. Ambiance. Whatever the right word is. Everyone else seems to be finding it melting hot (to include my bar of chocolate), but I’m not feeling it? It might be that I’ve got my ceiling fan on high and it’s doing its job admirably. Still. You’d think with the… Read more »


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I’ve not gotten as far on attaching buttons to the little cardigan as I wanted to, but that’s in part because I decided to go back and add extra reinforcement to the snaps. It’s probably just a little paranoid on my part, but as I said yesterday — since it’s going outside of my immediate family, I want to make… Read more »


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I’d commented to Z yesterday (or was it today?) that Smallhausen hasn’t gotten to spend the night at her grandparent’s house this summer, and summer was almost over. So she’s over there now, mwuhahah (etc). Okay, that means we still have the wide awake toddler to hand, but never mind. *chuckles* I’ve spent today feeling pretty crap, all told. Like,… Read more »


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I realised today that I have been rubbish at leaving the house again lately. With the weather and the kids, I’ve been avoiding doing things like Pokéwalks, instead staying curled up in my chair. I don’t mind per se, but Iunno, it’s sort of good to get out of the house more than once every other week.   So when… Read more »


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Smallhausen goes back to school in a week, so what does Z do? He unpacks our souvenirs from vacation, ha ha. Which is to say, they were in the same location as Small’s new clothing for school, and had to be cleared to get to such. It’s been long enough since vacation that I’ve sort of forgotten what I’d picked… Read more »