Bumbling Along

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It’s been a day of like, daying. Knitting happened, work happened, and gaming happen. I mean like, it was productive and all that. I got a good chunk of work processed, which was pleasing. I keep telling myself that this is the week that I am going to get caught up, and it might well be. One of today’s game-y… Read more »

Om Nom Nom

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We went shopping on Saturday, and this is what I came away with (in addition to the ice cream pictured yesterday). What can I say, I’m a mature adult. *whistles* Not that I am one to moralise about anyone’s eating or snacking habits. Yeah, we probably all eat too much processed sugar, but whatever. It’s delicious, and my feet aren’t… Read more »

Dinner is Served

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Why yes, that is a large bowl of strawberry ice cream. We were out for a party for one of Smallhausen’s friends at lunchtime, so we all had a hot lunch then. When we were at the grocery store yesterday I was reminded of my desire for strawberry ice cream, so voila. I might well have another bowl, yanno, seeing… Read more »

Meow Meow Meow

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Knitting! Cats! Meow! I’ve finished the little cat set thingie that I wanted to make. Well, almost. I still need to put the buttons on the scarf, maybe run them through the wash with fabric softener before that, but still. I’m quite pleased. I can only hope that the intended recipients like my efforts. Now, I’m not any sort of… Read more »

Alternate Disco

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Today, we received a text message from the school that the school disco that was supposed to occur tonight was cancelled. We were sad — Smallhausen loves going to the school discos. But apparently, last night there were plenty of Friends who were signed up for it, and suddenly none this morning. Rude. So instead, Smalls came home and announced… Read more »

Back From the Pub

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I return in one piece from our second Pins & Needles session. Last time wasn’t a fluke — this was also an enjoyable time. I spent most of it yawning, because apparently I relax when I’m out and that means almost falling asleep on myself. Whups. I had three pints of Coke though, so that sort of helps me fight… Read more »

‘Normal’ Passing

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If there is one thing that is probably universal with spoonies, it’s the having to be ‘normal’ passing. As tomorrow is Pins & Needles, that means me making the effort to have a proper bath, clean hair and all that. It’s exhausting at the best of times, and recovering from this cold is noooot the best of times. Today was… Read more »

My Night in Pictures

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The tl;dr is that I thought that my cold was getting better, and I was very wrong. *chuckles* Well. I accidentally managed to trigger the worst vertigo I have experienced since moving here by trying to pop my ears, and it’s a small miracle that: A.  I actually made it to the toilet, and B.  That I didn’t actually vomit… Read more »

What Smells?

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Hint: it’s not me. Well. I’m not *able* to smell right now. It has its benefits, like not knowing when someone has laid a stinky present in the house, or having to smell the Lemsip (think Theraflu) when I’m drinking it down, but still. It’s a very annoying phase of the cold. I’m hoping that smelling comes back tomorrow, but… Read more »

Not Impressed

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I know I’ve been nursing a cold forever, but today has just gone into rude overdrive. I’ve hit this point where not only am I wheezing, I’m wheezing to the point of chest pain. And like, I don’t wheeze with colds; Z says it’s a normal thing, but it isn’t for me. He’s been a dear above his normal being… Read more »