Storage Sweet Storage

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After hauling the wool to Pins & Needles last night, I decided I needed to get serious about re-re-re-retackling the disorganisation of my crafting supplies. I’d commented to Z that we needed to get me another storage unit to match the one I had so I could stack them, and then spent much too long online trying to find an… Read more »

There and Back Again

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This is going to be a short one, ’cause it’s super late. I got home from Pins & Needles 10 minutes or so ago, and have been flailing all of them (because for one, I forgot to take my meds with me. Whups). Pain: I woke up this morning in incredibly painful pain. Like, I thought I was having a… Read more »

Shake Your Legs

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Ta da, the body is done on the giraffe! Or cow, if you ask Smallhausen. Whatever kiddo, if you want to call it a cow, then you can do that. I’m just glad that it’s coming out mainly looking alright. I’ve learned a few things about how to knit better the next toy I make, to include doing long tail… Read more »

Mail Call

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Apparently, today was the day I got my head together and got my outgoing mail sorted. I have that parcel to send to a friend in the States, and I also have my absentee ballot to send in. Seeing as how Texas is suddenly being declared a swing state by some people, I felt that I really extra needed to… Read more »

Slowly Forward

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I’ve not done a lot today, which is fine by me. I’ve done some knitting, I’ve taken care of the kids, and I’ve continued wallowing in the ancient fun of the original Civilization. I started the day sort of worrying that I wasn’t going to be able to cope with the kiddos, but Smallhausen stepped up in a big way…. Read more »

Nostalgia Rush

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With Civilization VI having come out, and being waaaaaaaaaaaay out of my price range, I got to waxing whimsical on the first entry to the series. Z and I were sitting here trying to remember what colour all the teams were, so I was like… whelp, I now have an obligation to bust open the game and find out. I… Read more »

Iffin’ it Fits, I Sits I Sits

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We get a lot of Amazon packages in because we’re not exactly fans of shopping in stores. I’m not sure why we suggested to Littlerbit that she sit in it, but she went for it. It was adorably ‘if I fits I sits!’ a la many a cat on the Internet. All I know is that my brain tries to… Read more »


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I’m glad that it’s cooler for not only my enjoyment of it being colder, but because I’ve had a hot date with my heating pad all day. I’d taken some pain meds after waffling for a bit on whether or not I could get away with not taking any, and took ’em in the nick of time. Ish. At least,… Read more »


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I read something the other day that claimed that photographing your meals actually makes them taste better. [[Citation needed]], and I cannot be bothered to go find it and whether or not it was true, but I remembered it as I sat down to dinner and decided to take a picture of my sausage and mash. Because why not. But… Read more »

Let There Be Cake (and Chairs)

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We as a family went to the grocery store the other day. We do that sometimes on a weekend to spend too much money on assorted junk, but also just to get out of the house and do *something*. While we were there, I picked up a cake mix. I’d not baked anything in a really long time and I… Read more »