Textual Masochism

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I have pretty much done nothing besides writing today. I told myself that I was going to meet that 5,000 again, and try to surpass it. I’d set myself a hard cap of 10,000, but I’m definitely not going to make that without ending up a drooling wreck. The highest word count I’d ever gotten on a 750words.com entry was… Read more »

Running Past

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*waves* We have had company today. One of Z’s friends from when he lived abroad is fairly local doing a study course, so we invited him around to hang out. It’s been a nice day of chilling out and chatting, which means I don’t have overmuch to chatter about here. We played silly video games, we chatted, the children climbed… Read more »

Darn It

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That’s… seriously been the extent of my ‘creative’ today. I was folding laundry and noticed one of my few sweaters had a little hole in the arm, so I brought it downstairs to mend it. I don’t know that it’s the tidiest mend. This is a shot of the inside, and it looks pretty okay there, but it’s slightly puckered… Read more »

Serious Tunes

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Today was another day of Littlerbit deciding she had to be physically attached to me. I managed to shift her enough to get her lunch, and once for a few minutes to go play with the marble run bits. She started trying to play them like a wind instrument, so I got my flute out for a few minutes. To… Read more »

New Book Day!

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This in my hot little hands is the latest installment of the Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch. E accidentally introduced it to me when she bought the third in a charity shop and thought I might like it. I did, though I did have to point out that it was in the middle of a series, and that… Read more »


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Littlerbit has had a bit of a stomach bug the last couple of days, and I seem to have caught the edge of it as well. So I’m curled up at home instead of at the pub, and I’m fine with this. It’s lovely hanging out with everyone, but I don’t think I’m fit company right now.  So it goes… Read more »

Duck and Dive

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This is pretty much a hi, I exist, bye because I am sort of a wreck right now. Someone was an accusative ass to me, and then doubled down on it when I tried to be vulnerable and admit to my not-so-great behaviour in regards to the situation. Because of it, I’m kind of pretty sure I’m about to lose… Read more »

Halloween Means Picture Spam

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Okay, not like, *super* spam, but there’s obviously pictures of the kids, of candy, and of me. I blagged together something witchy to hand out candy in, because I like having fun too. I wish I’d picked up a properly sized hat when we were out shopping earlier, ’cause this one kept blowing off my head before I could open… Read more »

Hats Go Marching On

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Yeah yeah yeah, more little tiny hats. I’m starting to see where the pattern repeats give or take, which is fun to watch. ESPECIALLY when there’s a chance it won’t be a ‘proper’ repeat. I have to say, doing these in variegated wool keeps it a lot more interesting than single-coloured wool. Past that, just doing my best to be… Read more »

It Begins

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We got stuck into doing our Halloween pumpkins today. There’s four to be done, and we got the first two sorted through. Which means Z doing carving as directed by Smallhausen, and me doing lots of scraping and scooping. Arm day anyone? Not that I have any exercise day, but it amused me to lampoon a thing that is so… Read more »