The Leaden Tease

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The sky was teasing me today. It was all heavy and dark and looking wintry, but alas, not doing anything but passing by the window. We’re going to have some sub-freezing overnight temperatures the next couple of nights, but no promises of anything snow-esque. There’s probably going to be a lot of complaining about not-snow over the next couple of… Read more »

My Day in a Picture

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Well, this picture is lacking the cake aspect of the day. There’s definitely cake in the house. It was the ‘Winter Bonanza’ at Smallhausen’s school today, which basically means ‘come forth and give us money for tat’. So we bought our annual portion of reindeer food, Small’s annual glitter tattoo, and three cakes. We were there as they were preparing… Read more »

And Finally, the Moon

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Why yes, my picture here is different from my featured image I’m tricking you, hee hee. But then, I myself was tricked by Z. He’d apparently ordered both of them for me and was being sneaky about it. His logic? He wanted to make sure that I had both of them before the Genesect codes expired. This is one of… Read more »

One Thing Went Right Today

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Another day, another day my new Pokémon didn’t arrive. Again. Even I’m starting to get pissed off. Z called Amazon again and cancelled the order, and immediately re-ordered it. He saved £2, and it was guaranteed tomorrow delivery from an Amazon courier, not Royal Mail. Also, he go ta £5 voucher, and a free month of Prime out of the… Read more »

This is my Grr Face

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Today was release day in the UK for Pokémon Sun and Moon. Z pre-ordered it for me months ago. So did it arrive on time? Nope. Anything pre-ordered for me ever shows up on time. Z called Amazon and fussed at them about it, and they claim it’s going to be here tomorrow. Really, what’s the freaking point of pre-ordering… Read more »

Onwards, Ho!

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I had a scheduled Skype date with my sister this evening, so my hands were kept busy with knitting rather than writing or gaming. It was a good two hour chat, and reminded me that I am glad that we are the people we are now rather than the people that we used to be. We’ve tentatively pencilled in again… Read more »

Poor Poison

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Z had clocked yesterday that Poison (pictured left) had wee’d on a bit of cardboard in the study, and that there was a bit of blood in it. We had a little kit from the vet should this ever happen, so he managed to extract a sample and take it in. The tl;dr is that she’s got cystitis, and a… Read more »

A Man, A Plan, No Flan

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Z woke up today with a hit list of chores that he wanted to get done. I can’t say that they all got done, but we did manage some forward progress. I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to in the realm of assistance, but I *did* defunk the vacuum (my hair tends to clog it quickly and… Read more »


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Right, this is gonna probably be short because we *just* got home from driving across the country. Our trip to Riath’s house for our little Thanksgiving do went mainly well, outside of Littlerbit vomiting not five minutes from their house. Oh well. We didn’t get a repeat on the way home, which was the important thing. The food was good,… Read more »

Future Order from Minor Disaster

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My desk has hit that sort of overgrown state again that happens when I keep piling stuff on it. Funny how that works. *cough* It’ll be a bit better once I get it crammed into my knitting bag for tomorrow… which I will hopefully tonight. We’ve got a very early start to make tomorrow to drive across to visit Riath… Read more »