Author Archives: Raeyn

Holidaze: A Rant of Some Sort

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  Here in the UK, school is on what’s known as a year round schedule in the States. I was weirded out about year round schools when I was a kid, because I felt like people were getting robbed of a ‘proper’ long summer break. Now that I’ve lived in the UK for awhile and had a kid in the… Read more »

Oh, For Fuck’s Sake

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I love it when I start a blog, and then fall off the face of the planet. Oh wait, except not. ¬¬ If you read this blog, then you probably know me from elsewhere on the net. You probably know that I have Bipolar II and a raft of its Uncaring Cousins™®. You may know that my main med has… Read more »

Rude-Ass Computer

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  I woke up this morning to my husband gently telling me that my desktop had shit the bed overnight, and what he was going to do about it. Good man, risking my wroth by trying to do something to help me. But also, fuck — this has been a bit of an anno horribilis for me and my computers…. Read more »

People are REALLY Stupid about Immigration

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Okay, I am going to preface this one with the assertion that most people have no reason to know anything about immigration. After all, it’s not like they’re immigrants. Or migrants. Or refugees. However, as someone who has fallen under one of those categories (the first one), I am significantly less stupid about it than most people, at least, as… Read more »

Who Hasn’t Heard of Facebook?!

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Howdy, any of y’all actually hanging around these parts. I fail at snark lately. I’ve taken to asking for prompt ideas, so if anyone has something they want me to snark and/or opinionate about, I’ll consider things (though I’m laughing that most of the things my dear friends are suggesting are things they obviously have many words they could say… Read more »

I’m Too Tired to Snark

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My body and brain are fucking rude. You see, I have a host of assorted physical and mental ailments, most of which aren’t ‘properly’ diagnosed. Because of them, I have limited functionality day to day, and alas, this even eats into my ability to be a snarkbot. Considering that I love being a snarkbot, I’m offended at myself. But yanno,… Read more »

Work Harder, Plebs

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Both the United States and the United Kingdom are making utter fucking asses out of themselves right now. It’s pathetic. Both seem to be trying to outdo the other to tell poor people that they’re crap. You’ve got numpties like Bush the Third telling people they just need to work harder to take care of their families. Um, wow… what… Read more »

Starting Off in a Big Gay Way

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 Hello all who have washed up here on my bloggy shore, whether you be an existing friend who felt obligated to come read yet another of my blogs, or someone new. I intend for this to be a delightful home for opinion, snark, and reasonable debate. That means I’m not going to let people air opinions if I deem them… Read more »