Monthly Archives: January 2022


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The thread must-have has reached a crest, and I ordered a genuinely ungodly amount today — like, just shy of 200 skeins. I found site that had it for my preferred price of 69p, so I went mad. I also found there was a top item cap that you could buy, so I had to jiggle stuff around and… Read more »

Bits and Bobs

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Today’s free time, bits around work has been replenishing freebies for my shop. I’m annoyed ’cause I’d prepped a handful of dice, and can’t find them anywhere. So I drilled out more, because yanno, I could. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to do the requisite beribboning, or put that off until tomorrow. I’ve still got two hearts on… Read more »


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My nail polishes cases showed up faster than I thought they would. Stuff from eBay usually takes a few days, and this was Hermes (which hadn’t been delivering regularly to the village), so. Yeah. Happy about that. Felt a bit sheepish when all was said and done because I miscounted my nail polishes and forgot an entire rack. So instead… Read more »


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We found a misplaced cushion when we ere decluttering, one that happens to match the blanket we use for the back of the brown couch (I think both were made as a set by my grandmother). Batman has taken a shine to it. I guess it’s that degree of floof that brings him joy. He’s there right now, tempting me… Read more »

Coming Soon

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I made the executive decision earlier today to spend some of my birthday money on nail polish cases. I only need two and a bit with my current stash, but I went ahead and picked up an extra one, since there was yet another discount for buying four instead of three. I’m excited about being able to compress my stash… Read more »

Ticking Along

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I guess my cross-stitch speed is picking up, I guess? I can’t say it feels one way or the other, but results speak for themselves. I started the one I’m working on this morning, and maybe I’ll finish it tonight? Maybe not? I’m not rushing myself along, whatever the case. Which was something I had to get Mum to understand… Read more »


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Today’s session with the declutterer went wonderfully. It flew by at a pace I would not have guessed it to, which is good, I reckon. This small stack of things is all that remained of two large moving boxes that I sorted through; it’s Z’s old D&D stuff, so he’s not likely to want to ditch it. He’s going to give… Read more »

Happy Accident

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So, in the drama that is trying to find the right shade of purple, I found an accidental trick to help me. I’d taken a picture to illustrate my whinge to friends in Discord, and then realised… oh. That somehow made it really clear which of the purples I was torn between was the right one. So yeah, I’ll totally… Read more »


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I was grumbling to Z about having a hard time trying to decide which purple was closest to the flag I’m working on, and he commented that it’s harder to tell because on my screen, it’s backlit. Which is true, so I figured… maybe if I printed out a sheet of tiny flags, that would help. Uh, not as such;… Read more »