Coming Soon

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I made the executive decision earlier today to spend some of my birthday money on nail polish cases. I only need two and a bit with my current stash, but I went ahead and picked up an extra one, since there was yet another discount for buying four instead of three. I’m excited about being able to compress my stash into a more space saving option, and as Z pointed out — it’ll make it easier for me to get my polishes out when I’m trying to decide what I want to wear. 😀 I figure I’ll put the acrylic shelves out on the street with a ‘take me’ sign. As well as my less-fancy polishes have scarpered off in the past year, I suspect these will find a new home rapidly enough as well.

Past that, babying my back, which still hurts from Friday. And have been getting assorted craft tasks done. I washed and ironed four finished cross-stitches, one of which is already relisted (the other three will be in a future listing). I had an Etsy order come in, so that’s packed up and ready to go out tomorrow; this has also already been restocked, and I made a replacement for another necklace that was bought earlier in the week that I had a spare of already. Which means I can cheerfully circle back around to the current flag I’m working on. Add the lovely steak dinner Z made for us, and yeah. Today is a good one.


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