Batman, of course, did his normal Batman thing, and posed where he could… ’cause he’s a poser, har har. But I’m glad he likes the spot on the couch nearest me, and if he wants to stand broodingly under the pictures, then why not kid, why not.
I sit down feeling pleased with myself; I did dinner tonight. I have a recipe for a pretty good imitation of the El Fenix tortilla soup, so I did that for us. I should have considered doing something else to go with it, but never mind. The kids didn’t want too much, so that meant that Z and I had more to eat. Which means the quantity ended up being just about spot on, ha ha.
Past that, just like… Skyrim. A tiny bit of knitting. I did a tiny bit of tidying up in my bedroom to build on the cleaning and organising we’ve been doing down here. There’s a charity bag pick-up tomorrow, so Z and I intend to actually remember to fill a bag for once. Fingers crossed, eh?