Y’all ever get randomly surprised by your partner doing something considerate and hilarious? *points at picture* Boom. Just what I needed this morning after feeling a bit down last night. Doesn’t make my rotting meatsack feel any healthier, but mood, good. Mood was also improved by resolving the thing yesterday that put me off-kilter, so party.
Tonight, the family is having ratatouille. None of us have had it before, but Smalls cooked some at school. I’ve snuck a few bites in advance (needs more salt), and I’m thinking that I at least am going to like it. Smalls is reticent because it’s got a lot of things that they purport to not like… and maybe they won’t. But hopefully it doesn’t turn out as dire as they think it’s gonna. After all, the base sauce is like, tomato paste, and that’s basically ketchup.
Right, back to terraforming a village in Minecraft, and doing a smidge of cross-stitch.