I was showing Z yesterday what I was trying to do with having a water bath for drilling. He thought about it, and suggested a metal pet bowl. So I did, and yesssss, all the room. I also remembered we had a bag of floor tiles somewhere, but as we couldn’t find it, we grabbed a random bit of wood we spotted in the garage to aid me for the time being. And he also reminded me that we can ask A’s dad if he has any offcuts that I could make use of, so we’ll have to do that.
We have all, to various degrees of grudging, been making strides on doing more tidying/decluttering. I got a few loads of laundry pushed through, though had to rewash one after finding something… gross… mixed in with the clothing. I’m both glad I found it, and still dealing with my OCD flipping its shit over having accidentally touched the grossness.
I am gonna… go kill monsters. Holla!