So yeah, was pleased today, ’cause I was to the point where I could focus on catching up the accounts I had to use the alternative login for (aka, the one I don’t like and avoid using). I went to retrieve it from the ‘safe place’ where I kept it… and it wasn’t there. Anyways, one thing led to another, and 95% of the cleaning and tidying of my area that I wanted to get done is done. And I was able to use Z’s login and will again tomorrow, but like… dude. *laughs*
((And when I say ‘safe place’, I mean it — I used the same principle I use for my glasses at night. I should have been able to pick it up blind… and it wasn’t there. Maybe fifth time lucky will shake it out?!))
Unsurprisingly, that’s about all I have to report. I am probably going to be in a lot of pain tomorrow, but maybe not. We’ll see.