I managed to make a little start on moving stuff around and clearing some junk out. I grumbled how much I hate adulting ’cause I had to throw out a pair of shoes I love… but that are no longer waterproof. It all works towards a happy end though, hopefully.
As to crochet suddenly rejoining my other on-the-goes… Mum saw my Bag of (yarn) Chaos and offered to sort it out. I mean, if she wants to, right? *laughs* It was a bag of random yarn bits I’d acquired ages ago and was slowly processing into blanket squares; we even found the correct hook for the project in the bag, so I was able to get the specs written down and make a start again on them. I’ve mainly been doing my cross-stitch today, but as I was sorting out a place I’d made a mistake, I didn’t want to work on that while socialising.
Right, I’m off. Laters!