I was tossing and turning in bed last night and realised… fuck, forgot to take my night meds. I did, but the knock-on effect with how I’ve even feeling the last couple of days meant that I ended up taking a nap. I only really go there when I feel so godawful that being awake no longer feels like an option, and as a result, I normally come out the other side feeling less bad. I won’t say better, because that’s not quite correct, but less bad is. Z had the pizza leftover from last night out and waiting for me, so I actually ate, got caffeine in me, etc. I feel… upright. That’s definitely better than this morning in the scheme of things.
So yeah, didn’t get anything work-wise done today, to say the least. Co-worked stopped by briefly to discuss something, and I got a polite (and hilarious to me) comment that yeah, I didn’t really look with it. I mean, I’m NEVER with it, but I was definitely visibly more so.
That’s about it, really. Gonna go try to get my crochet on, and think about knitting needles. I’d been chatting with a friend in Discord about my dragon’s hoard of knitting needles, and that if I did get another set, it would be a set of small circular ‘sock’ needles (the 9″/23cm ones that I like). The set that I’d had bookmarked doesn’t appear to be available anymore, to my dismay, so I spent hours sort of researching and looking around to see if anyone had it, or something similar in a premium brand. I have some leads, but it might also just be easier/cheaper to buy needles in all the sizes and a case for them. We’ll see.