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Holiday! Let’s… not move at all! *laughs*

Naw like, I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed with not having to do anything for a few weeks… which makes no sense, but heeey, I’m Backwards Girl™® in all things. It’s fine though, really. I’ve had a nice day, just like… realising that I can do ALL THE NOTHING and somehow that was just. Anyways. It’s fine. It’ll be fine. *laughs*

We’ve had the added bonus of Weather today as well. There’s been a few peals of thunder and a little rain, but it’s still humid and warm enough that we have the a/c going. But we have the blinds open so we can admire the gloom outside. After all, can’t be on holiday in the UK without rain, amirite?

Anyhoos. Gonna go digest dinner and zone out.


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