On a trip to the postbox earlier, I spotted that my little carnie friend seems to be doing better. Or, at least, has made some new friends, ha ha. Hopefully they’ll do okay in the face of this fierce heat we’re having. Like, it’s mid-80s today, and it’s gonna be high 80s tomorrow. Add in the fact the sun feels ridiculously hotter here for some reason, and yeaaah. I’ll be staying indoors unless I absolutely have to. Better to stay in our air conditioned house, which so far continues to be more or less comfortable (of course, I’m the one closest to the downstairs a/c, so of course I’m most likely to be comfortable *chuckles*).
Past that, work happened. I did more than yesterday I think, but still not that much. It’s fine though, it’s all forward progress. And ‘sides, it’s hard to be anything but content with a belly full of lovely curry and clean hair. I’ve got my nails stripped off with a mind to repaint them tomorrow, and fingers crossed, I won’t break any between now and then. They’re not long-long, but they’re longer than I thought they would be after a bath; I normally rip my nails to bits because my hair is much stronger in the keratin vs keratin battle. I’m thinking that I must take advantage of one of my thermals, since I should be able to get all the reactions. 😀
Right, gonna go take my meds and do assorted Things. Have a goodun!