The last 24 hours have seen quite a bit of heavy rain; the flower I posted yesterday has suffered quite the battering. It was even raining so hard at one point last night that it woke me up — that has never happened before in my life. It’s sunny right now, but the forecast says there might well be more rain and thunder. We’ll see. For the moment, the temp/humidity is juuust low enough for me to feel not miserable.
Past a little run to the postbox, I don’t think I’ve gotten much of anything productive down. The proper internet is still down at the office. A tech from the ISP is supposed to go sort it out, but the when of that doesn’t seem to be pinned down. Hopefully tomorrow? I’m getting further and further behind myself and it is annoying. ¬¬
For now, gonna go eat dinner, then get back to some knittery.