Really Cat, Really

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I woke up this morning and came downstairs, as you do. I put my arm down on my desk, and immediately whipped it back up. Hrm, mysterious scratches, where did they come from? And then I found another lower on my arm by the same method of putting weight on it. Sigh? Sigh. I mean, I *could* have scratched it on something, but Occam’s Razor would suggest that Batman decided I was playing with him in the night. You know, when I’m sleeping… and not playing. He’s been a lot better about not getting worked up and clawing, so I’m a wee bit annoyed. Mainly though, I’m impressed that I managed to get a plaster to stay on my skin. I don’t know *WHY*, but it’s hard to get a bandage to stay on me. A quick peek on google doesn’t give me anything immediate, but I’m sure it’s more common than I think.

Past that, day is a day. Z made tacos, so I am fat with deliciousness (and fat). We’ve just finished watching a stream of the Fornite end-of-season event, which was… well. The apparent gameplay change is terrifying in my book, but I don’t play, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh, I did finish the first sock off, and it fit snugly and wonderfully. All the patterning really popped once it was properly on a foot, which makes me feel better about my effort. I’ve got the second one cast on, but am only in the first row of it so far.

Right, time to herd the little one upstairs for sleeps! We let her stay up a bit longer to watch the event with us, so.


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