Now, Poison is one of the sweetest, most affectionate cats you could ever meet. She’ll scream her head off to celebrate and demand pets, but as said — gentle. She has never clawed any of us, except by accident.
Batman, on the other hand, is a clingy bitch. And she decided some long years back that she had zero chill for it. She’ll shout at him in a not-happy way, and is quick with her claws if he won’t give her the space she wants. So it’s rare that you see them in such close proximity. He didn’t stick around for long, and she was doing her best to pretend he wasn’t there, but still. It made us smile. They’ll probably never cuddle each other like they did as kittens fresh from the rescue, but it’s nice to see moments of peace.
Today has been alright. I had an Etsy order to take to the postbox, and I brought Littler with me. She’s a trooper, but I know that this enforced isolation is really rough on her. She told me when we told her it was bedtime that she was sleepy because she got to go to the postbox with me. It made me smile; I’m glad that I could bring a little colour to her life. We also need to probably poke the Whatsapp group and see if anyone would be interested in setting up a Zoom call for the kids, let them all shout at each other for a few minutes or something. It would be madness, but it might make them feel a little less alone. I can’t even imagine how bad it is for the singletons. Smaller has her big sister and the extended network off of her to have some socialisation, but yeah. I hope they find a vaccine/cure to Coronavirus sooner rather than later so it’s safe for her to go to school and see her friends.
*claps hands* Right, I’ve got a mess of photos to finish processing. I did my back in by doing a large lot of product photography, and the pain meds have just about pushed it back to the point where I can get stuck back in. I don’t know if I’ll get the listings started tonight, but at least the photos are pretty good and need less tweaking than usual. So that’s something. 🙂