Today’s photo is from yesterday’s jaunt to the store; I genuinely am pleased that the same stretch of road can find me new flowers to admire every time. Everyone’s roses are starting to come up too, which I will have to photograph next time I’m out and about.
Today… today would’ve been an awesome day to be out and about. The wind has been blowing, and the temp is a bit lower, and it’s been very pleasant both inside and out. Tomorrow is supposed to be a smidge cooler on the whole, so I might have to make a point to drag my yarn outside and catch some vitamin D.
Becaaauuse… only time I went outside today was to talk to Z and L, ha ha. L came, fixed our sink, and unclogged what Z reckons is 40 years of fat from further down the pipeline. So yay, it’ll be reusable from tomorrow. I know that Z isn’t looking forward to doing ALL THE DISHES, but it’s better than having to wash them in the back garden, or leave ’em stacked up like some sort of college kid.
Right, gonna go think about picking up yarn to accompany gaming. Northgard just became available on GOG, and for half price at that, so Z nabbed it for us. Hooray, proper version. 😀