The printer ink came in a lot sooner than we expected — woo hoo! We’ve not done copious amounts of printing in celebration, but at least it’s there and in situ and all is sort of glorious.
Also glorious is hitting that point in work where I am as caught up as I can be on my own steam. I emailed D to ask him to pull down some statements that I can’t get to, so that’s on the books for tomorrow.
Past that, trying to force myself to rest my back. I’ve now made three sets of super tiny stitch markers that I am more or less happy with, but the work is very fussy, and deefinitely hits that nerve spot in my back. I think that I can probably get away without taking something for it… but we’ll see. I reserve the right.
Right, gonna go stretch and go a-lootin’ with my Witcher. xD