I had an Etsy order come in in the past hour, and I literally gasped. Like, a reason to leave the house! I’m not feeling particularly stir-crazy, but it’s BST (British Summer Time, like DST in the States), and it’s still light out, and I am liking the idea of a quick stroll to the Post Office. I’ll have to put on like… not star-covered PJs probably, but that’s fine, I guess. Or maybe not. It’s not like there’s gonna be many/any people out to see me, yanno?
Past that, just been sort of dragging today and doing not much of anything. Which is fine! The only work thing I had to do was a Zoom meeting with our webmaster; he wanted to run over the CMS for our new site with us. I prefaced our conversation by pointing out that I had over a decade (!!!) of WordPress experience. The CMS is definitely even easier than WordPress, ha ha. So it wasn’t a long meeting, and we had a bit of fun chuckling at the experiences of webmastering for others.
Right, gonna finish getting that packed up, and yanno, celebrate by spinning the Pokéstop at the post box, ha ha.