Turned Around

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After pulling everything out, I’m turned around past the point I had to unpull, which is yay. This pattern works a lot better with this sort of wool. The stitches still aren’t super defined, but it still works.

I made a point to go over to Z’s parent’s house with him when he went to pick up the children. Folx, I am the worst person for these precarious times, because I touch everything and hug everything and Mum had to jump back to prevent me rubbing my germs on her. ‘I’m not awful,’ she said as she shuffed back, and she’s really not. I need to do better. Or just like, hope that the fact I spend almost all my time at home means I’m not going to be a terrible vector. Hopefully.

Right, gonna go back to knitting and failing at keeping my hands off of my face.


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