Llama Llama Catbutt

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I was intending to hurry back to my desk and work, when Poison looked at me. So I went over to say hi, give and get pets, and generally be amused at her chilling with her friends. But really, you resist that face, I dare you. *chuckles*

It’s knitting tonight, and I am going out hell or high water. I am still feeling off, but I’m pretty sure at this point it’s hayfever rather than anything else. Unfortunately, I’ve already thrown all I can and more than I probably should have at it, so I’m just gonna have to hope throwing pain meds at it before going out makes a difference.

Whatever the case, I’ve got the next pair of socks started. It’s a charted pattern, though I took the liberty of making it easier for myself by translating the construction of the leans into cabling notation. It’s only one stitch that crosses so it’s not like it’s that complex… but my brain parces it better that way around rather than ‘knit second stitch on then jigger about’.

Right, gonna go get more caffeine in me, and continue getting my knit on.


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