Some kids would probably consider having most of their guests unable to come due to illness a ruined birthday party, but not our girl. She’s having a good time with her lessened guest list, because she’s a solid person and makes the best of everything. Plus, bonus points, she picked a cake that had tonnes of tiny layers and lots of internal frosting, so between that and pizza, I’m cheerfully full.
For now, Smalls is getting her party on, and Smaller is attempting to make a balloon animal. She went on a playdate yesterday with her friend A, who apparently ‘knows’ how to do balloon animals. Z has a YouTube video up so they can try their luck. In short, everyone is in a happy place.
Past that… new year tomorrow, innit. I’ve actually not thought about it at all. I’m more aware of my levelling up in a couple of weeks than the import of it being 2020. We haven’t ‘celebrated’ at the time in years. I’m half-tempted to stay up just to say that I did. We don’t have anything besides soda to drink, but we’ll see.
Right, back to knitting, gaming, and watching kids being adorable.