Today, I have completed a seasonal goal that has eluded me for ages — I have completed a Greater Rift on Level 70. This unlocks a better class of drops called Ancient Primal, and while my first was useless for me (wrong class, wrong stats, wrong everything!), it was awesome to see that it was a thing I can now get. One of my friends in Discord has, somewhat bravely, been offering me some advice, which I may or may not take. Well. I probably will, but for now it’s just a relief to have completed this particular milestone.
Beyond that, I have been cleaaaning. Tomorrow is Small’s birthday gathering, so I wanted to make sure that the basics were decent. Both bathrooms are passable. The couch nearest me is mainly cleared. I even rediscovered our dining table, much to Z’s relief. It really was a lot by any stretch, and trebly so for my crippled ass. I’m hoping that I am not going to be feeling it tomorrow, but there is a real risk that I will. Still, worth it to have made a dent in things that needed doing.
Right. Gonna go back to knitting mah sock (#1 almost done!), and getting my game on. Have a good one, y’all.