Getting On

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Gaming is happening, knitting is happening. I’m making fairly good progress on this sock. I’m not going to magically finish it tonight by any stretch, but at least I’ll be completing the gusset and getting started on the home stretch. And for me, the second sock is always faster and easier than the first, because all the ‘hard’ math has been done in advance.

I can’t remember if I mentioned, but the main gaming of the last couple of days has been Season 19 in Diablo III. I rolled a Barbarian, which is currently a ridiculous one-click murder machine. So I’m cheerfully grinding up XP and bounty rewards on Torment X, and contemplating if I want to nudge that up a level or two. I’m channelling my inner Charlie Brown, and this is gonna be the year I kick that football get the extra inventory tab. Probably not, but it’s feeling more likely than previously, which is nice.

Anyways, I’m off. Have a good one.


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