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I still have some distance to go on Small’s jumper, but it’s nearing completion a lot faster than I thought it would. Which means having to think about doing one for Smaller, who has (unsurprisingly) requested rainbow. Which means hunting to find which brand has the best representation of the rainbow colours, and does she want a normal rainbow, a pastel rainbow, etc. What I should probably think about doing is seeing what manufacturer I picked when I did her blanket before she was born, since that was done with a strong Crayola™® rainbow aim.

((of course, I go looking through my orders, and can’t find that one… typical))

What else, what else… it’s finally Friday! Woo! It’s been a long week, by no means has it been a bad one. The girls have been wonderful all week, and there’s been lots of hugs and cuddles to go around. Me being me, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to having my during-the-day space back, but yeah. Better each time around. 🙂

Right, I’m going to go think about pulling out my knitting. Have a good day, y’all.


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