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One of the ladies in my knitting group messaged me this morning, looking to see if I had a certain colour of polish to help her patch her manicure. The tl;dr ended up being that she was going to get some clear to hold it together until her next appointment, but it did serve to remind me that I wanted to reorganise my polishes. The left is the good-good stuff. The right is the okay-ish stuff and gels. The bag is the cheap and cheerful stuff, some of which might be of slightly better quality than not. I’m probably going to see if anyone wants to claim the bag for personal usage, because I don’t want to throw them out really. I’d rather someone get to have fun with them.

Speaking of fun, we’re out at the model railway this evening. Z’s dad’s Rotary Club are putting on the do, which includes ride-on trains and BBQ. I joked about wanting to eat everything, to which it was pointed out that I misunderstood the implication of phrasing in British English versus American English (implication being such that I processed it as ‘donated to the event’ not ‘you pay, you pay now’). It should hopefully be a pleasant enough time. Having said that, both Z and I have doubled up on antihistamines because even being indoors is murdering both of us. I’ve been dealing with heavy levels of woozy and not able to breathe, even if I’m nowhere near congested. I expect that it’s going to only get worse before it gets better, especially as it’s supposed to get into the 30s over the weekend (mid-80s ~).

Right, gonna go get some water in me, ’cause that will probably help as well.


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