Through the well-known magic of ‘throw a blanket over it’, I declare the back half of the lounge good enough to pass muster. Z has been doing some work on ‘his’ half of the lounge, which has seen the tv end much tidier. There’s still the kids’ toys to shift around and make look like less of a bomb site, but ey. It’s not going to take too long to get sorted. Probably. That leaves for main tasks getting the kitchen counters stripped off and tidied (Z’s task mainly), and me getting down in the bathroom and scrubbing a few grungy bits. I’m trying to get my head in gear to get that done sooner rather than later so we can spend the rest of the week doing any fine work that appeals.
For the second though, I’ve spent the day tending to yet another headache. I’m wondering if it’s cyclical, as it has mainly coincided with that this month. I’ve made a point to get it on my calendar, so that will hopefully give me a better idea. I’d rather it just didn’t happen, but lulz. It is what it is.
Right, off to other things.