It’s the last day of the half-term holiday, so we’ve all been gaming for all we’re worth. Z has been playing ‘Cowboy Skyrim’ (aka ‘Red Dead Redemption II’), and I’m poking along in My Time in Portia, which means an extensive view of the back of my character’s head as she runs around doing the things. I’ve not even picked up my knitting, because it’s a game where I’m actually having to do the things instead of watch as the things do themselves.
And yes, with today being the last day of half-term, that means the girls are back to school tomorrow — woo hoo! I love them and they have been stellar these past two weeks, but it’ll be nice to be back to having the house to myself. I haven’t decided if I am going to pour myself into working tomorrow, or take the day to enjoy being on my own. The latter would feel a bit cheeky coming off of a four-day weekend, but I’ll do whatever I think is best for my relative sanity. 🙂
Right, back to that.