I found an easy pattern for crochet hearts yesterday, so I’ve been cranking them out. I’m going to put a bit of ribbon on each so they can hang, and send them out with orders as a free gift. I was starting to feel like the only Etsy shop that didn’t put in some sort of bonus pressie, so we’ll see how it goes over. In the interim, at least I’m doing a bit of crochet again.
Work was pretty good, all told. Since it’s the last day of the month, I made a point to get all the accounts that end today caught up. Of course, I botched it up and did October year ends first… whups. *laughs* But that’s fine! I ended up getting February and then some done too, so I’ll be in fairly good nick for getting into things tomorrow.
For now, it’s knitting tonight, so I’mma get some Diablo under my belt before I go out. La!