Nailed It (Not Really)

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I made my first slightly more than half-assed attempt to darn a sock today. It came out slightly better than it looks here, but I still forgot to do things like leaving a loop at the end of each row. Whups. Still, the hole is closed and filled in and isn’t annoying the bottom of my foot, so I’ll call this one a victory.

It’s been a fairly productive day on the whole. I made some progress on work-work. I got the kids bathed, and even shooed them outside to play for a bit. I laugh ’cause the weather is Texas cold (currently 55F), but I was so excited to see it double digits (13C) that I threw open the windows in delight. I’m a wee bit chilly now, but I prefer being chilly to being too warm, so moar victories.


1 thought on “Nailed It (Not Really)

  1. Jane Williams

    Do you have a darning mushroom? If not, should I look out one of my spares?
    Suggestion for next time: MUCH finer yarn. You used to be able to buy darning thread, and it’s closer to embroidery thickness than to anything anyone in their right mind would knit with.


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