My new toy is home, and in situ. I’ve just closed the lid after getting a few basic things installed. You know, office suite, Minecraft — those sort of things. A part of me wants to put one of my more intense games on it to see what it can handle, but. It’s a small hard drive, even if we’re probably going to supplement it with an SD card. Minecraft seemed happy on it though with a freshly rolled game, so it will probably happily hit the remit of letting me play ‘basic’ games, as well as being portable for work and play. It’s lovely though, and yes, I might be greedy to have it to add to my entourage, it brings me joy (and came out of my fun budget specifically, so!). *pats closed lid*
That’s been the bulk of today’s excitement, hee hee. I’ve otherwise gamed and knitted, with a small side of wrapping birthday pressies for Smalls; the Christmas tree is now the Birthday tree. There isn’t much under there, but it’s definitely things that she’s going to want, like Robux. 🙂
Right, off I go.