It’s here! My love! Our new printer, that is. Z and I are both big fans of stationary and stationary-related goodies, so a new printer to replace the model that’s as old as our marriage was a Good Thing™®. Add in the fact that work agreed to pay for it since I mainly am going to be use it for work, and even better, ha ha. We didn’t opt for the fanciest model, but as usual, Z used his mad skillz and managed to acquire it with a discount/rebate.
The weather today has been gloriously overcast. I’ve actually opened the windows to get air moving, and it’s like, yay, that bitch summer’s back is just about broken. I look forward to being able to get to sleep more easily, and being less depressed because I’m not forced into dealing with the sun for ungodly long hours.
*rubs brain* Ugh. Head hurts. Should probably take something for it instead of hoping that it goes away.