Last night, I did indeed remember to talk to Z about buying a couple more of the cheap and cheerful dresses that I like. We looked together to see what colours we liked, and I pushed that order through. Then I signed up for Wish this morning, and bought a cheap and cheerful pair of unicorn leggings, because why not. AND THEN, we went out to do a spot of shoe shopping for Smalls… and for me to grab a few more bits as well. We didn’t find her any shoes in her size that she liked… but I found some more camisoles in varying styles to add to my wardrobe. So that was pleasing. And Smalls ended up getting a few tank tops as well, having decided that she wants to give ’em a go, so hopefully that’ll be nice summer wear.
((We also managed to sneak in a few little presents for the girls, since Littler’s birthday is coming up. I distracted them while Z got them through the checkout xD))
I topped off this row of successes by sneakily obtaining some information I needed from my mother-in-law before her birthday. I’ve bought her one present, and I needed some sizing information for another. I’m not going to say anything specific about it here though until after her birthday, just in case she’s actually reading along here (probably not, but better safe than sorry when it comes to pressie surprises!).
Right, time to herd children to bed, and then back to sewing. And then maybe some more knitting too, hee hee. Even if it takes like, 10 rows to make an inch in this wool, it still builds pretty quickly.