I did it! I cast off on the last blanket square today for a grand total of forty. I’ve gotten the first two joined, and a third that I’ve had to remove. I had joined it up the wrong way around, so the rows didn’t match up. The current attempt to join up is looking much better. 🙂
Today has been the knitting, the gaming, and otherwise generally preparing to be human-shaped for tomorrow. The school does a Values Champion tea party each half-term, and Smalls is one of the celebrants this time around. As am I — she picks a different adult each time, and it’s my go. I’d be lying if I said I was thrilled about going into a situation with people I don’t or barely know, but I’m glad to do it for the kiddo. I’ve set an alarm to remind me for tomorrow. I probably won’t need it, but never hurts to put in a touch of overkill in making sure one is there for a kiddo.
The weather has been nicer today, for which I am grateful. It was gross enough last night that Z ended up turning on the upstairs a/c unit to take the edge off. The weather looks like it’s supposed to be semi-reasonable for the rest of the week, but we’ll see.
Right, time to take meds and herd children.