I was pleasantly surprised this morning to find not only my requisite card, but a small parcel. It was the pictured colouring book, and upon flipping through it, it’s a really nice quality one! I’m going to have to see if the girls will let me borrow their markers, as I don’t think crayons will cut it, and I don’t have coloured pencils ’cause the noises pencils make stress me out. I was that one kid in kindergarten who tried to use a pen to avoid it… not that I was permitted to.
((Yay, awesome kids have approved marker usage. 😀))
I’m sure that there are people out there who might roll their eyes at me seeking permission to use markers, but like… they’re ‘theirs’, not mine. If I want them to respect ‘my’ things, then I need to respect theirs. In turn, they will hopefully behave the same towards others of all ages, and continue to expect the same of others. After all, if I/we set the example of respect, one can hope that they will grow up and realise it’s okay to cut people out who don’t respect them. After all, I’m trying to raise well-rounded people, not scared autotrons.
Mainly though, it was another day of existing. Work happened, kidcare happened, and Smalls pleasantly surprised me by having a crafting project in mind that she wanted to do. It cut into me trying to work, but I was happy to help encourage her spreading her imagination (even if it was to make rude Valentines for her father to laugh at).
And for now… time to get the kids into bed, and then try to figure out if I want to game, colour, knit, or all of the above. Or yanno, fall asleep on my face, ha ha. I almost dragged myself up to bed an hour early last night, and I’m yawning hard enough right now that the temptation exists.