Me, being the mature adult I am, may or may not have drawn a butt on top of the Germoline in fabric paint. Which is to say that I totally did — because it amused me to. Too bad it wasn’t glow in the dark paint… hrm…
*whistles innocently*
Still, better to focus on the amusing over the annoying. For example, I was doing my pillbox, when I realised that the dose on one of my prescriptions was wrong. The system claimed I hadn’t ordered the correct dose since November, but that is effin’ bullshit — AND it came in a box declaring it the right strength. I normally double-triple check because there is one person in the surgery who is grossly incompetent, and 99 times out of 100 she seems to be the one prescribing that medicine. It also potentially explains why I’ve had a recurrence of low level depression… still, shame on me for not triple checking for once.
Other than that, bemused that I seem to have a cold and a bit of a stomach bug at the same time. I will probably be okay to go out tomorrow, but days like today had me slow on the uptake. I didn’t get much done work-wise for a couple of reasons, and ended up throwing in the towel early for a hot soak… except apparently full heat isn’t hot enough for me right now, ha ha.
Anyways, I’m going to wrap this up and try to decide what my evening’s gaming will be.