Tonight is the group meal for the Thursday knitting group. I’m looking forward to it, even if I have to surrender control to the rest of the world due to the car still being in need of repair. Mind, I trust J and E just fine on getting a lift there, and I don’t even mind the thought of having to get a taxi back… in theory. And well, even in practice, but that requires getting through the period between now and then, ha ha. Anxiety, you’re a fuckwit.
Still, ignoring that, it’s been a good day. Since I was caught up on work, I was able to chill out. I couldn’t take a proper bath because I’m still not supposed to (though the literature on that waffles between a few days and a few weeks), and I’ve just given my hair a wee trim to get the scraggly ends tidied. I’ve gamed, I’ve knitted, I’ve zoned out as best I could. Outside of the headache that is cropping up right now (which I’ve just thrown pain meds at)… it was probably as good of a day with nobody else around the house as I’ve had in a long time. Monday is the day off per my designation, but obviously, that doesn’t work so well with the school run. But I’m not tempted to move said day off. It doesn’t fit correctly elsewhere in the week, and anyways, it won’t be too much longer until Littler is going to school full time every day.
Right, I should probably get my bag together. Happy Thanksgiving y’all, to those celebrating (less so for the decimation of native populations, and more so for the excuse to eat lots of food.)