Today has been a surprisingly productive day. I managed to get a really good amount of work done; I’m almost to the first ‘caught up’ point that I want to get to. I should easily get past that tomorrow, barring emergencies or the like.
I was surprised to be productive in part because I am still in crash from the adrenaline yesterday. I think. Like, I’m not 100% sure what is recovering from the LEEP/LLETZ, and what is just me being generally crippled, but it was probably somewhere between those two points.
The best thing though is that I figured out a workaround for bathing. See, I’m not supposed to take a bath for a few weeks so that my cervix has time to heal without getting an infection; baths are contraindicated because chances of bacterial infection is high enough to warrant being told not to do it. But we don’t have a shower. My in-laws have a shower, but executive dysfunction makes their house about as far as the moon in the extra steps my brain has to parse to get between Point A and Point B. So my workaround? I took one of the girls’ footstools and put it in a few inches of water in the bathtub. That enabled me to rinse myself down, and most importantly — to get my hair cleaned. We have a jug (that we are overdue to replace) for hair rinsing purposes, which meant I didn’t have to try to wash my hair in the sink. That… my hair is too long, and that would have made me really badly dizzy. So hopefully I didn’t accidentally set myself up for a course of antibiotics, but man… clean hair. It wasn’t that bad yesterday, but I guess ‘knowing’ that my bathing activities were slightly impeded made it drive me around the bend today, ha ha.
For now, my stomach is full of tasty dinner, so I am going to curl up with my knitting and Sims. It’s nice playing Legacy, though I suspect I might get bored and wander off again. We’ll see. For now it’s fun, and that’s what matters.