If there was one thing that the girls wanted to do today, it was to get out on the back garden and play with some bubbles. I was dragging my heels on assisting them because I was trying to get work-work done, but I eventually got them dressed… just in time for Z to show up with, surprise, bubble guns. So their bubbling fun was much more so than originally anticipated, and his return meant I could finish the bit of work I was doing.
I was pleased that I was able to meet the goal I wanted to work-wise, and I hope I can build on it tomorrow. I apologised to Smallhausen that I wasn’t more going out and playing and organising things — this is the busiest time of the work year, and the holiday happens to overlap it this year. I will have to sit down and talk to Z and see what we can organise that would make them happy, even if it’s just doing something on the weekend like going to the swimming pool. Smalls has said she wants to do a picnic, so that should be an easy do at some point.
For now, getting ready to go out to knitting. I had a shite dream last night that crapped on going out to my knitting group, but I’m going to roll my eyes (metaphorically) at it and get going. I’m sure once I tell E about it, she’ll have a chuckle and remind me that it was just a stupid dream. She’s good peeps, she is.
Anyways, wish me luck on tonight. It should be fine, but y’all with anxiety issues know — tell that to the overreacting brain.