Outdoors is Overrated

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Okay, I’m lying. I actually like overcast. I also like sunny. I love the rain — as long as it’s not too cold. For all that I curl up at home and rarely leave it, I do appreciate nature. In small doses.

I got two such doses today, ’cause Z is under the weather. He took Smallhausen to school, but I did the afternoon school run to let him rest. I also had to pop to the Post Office to urgently mail something out, so pat on the back, I did some walking around outside? Hooray? I’ve not done enough of that lately, and my chronic fatigue hasn’t exactly been friendly in that regard either. I need to *try* to get out a bit more for the sake of getting out and moving so things don’t freeze up.

Outside of trying to be vaguely helpful (and admiring how cute Z and Littler are together), I’ve just been knitting gauge squares. Because this wool is so pretty, I want to make very sure I have the right needle for the task. I thought that 2.75mm was going to cut it, but as soon as I ordered the small circular needle in that size I was questioning myself. So I ordered a 2.5mm as well. Why not. They’ll get used one way or another.

Oh, and actually momentarily delightful political news, the Speaker of the House of Commons said that Trump shouldn’t be allowed to address the House. I liked John Bercow enough to start with, but this certainly adds to my thumbs-up in his general direction.

Right, back to gauging.


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