I couldn’t be bothered to edit this picture to make it any clearer. It says ‘erasing’ under the android.
Then go for a factory reset. The upshot is that my phone had a backup from yesterday to download, and everything seems to be working properly again. I’ve been so frustrated, ’cause I love my phone and I’m not ready to replace it, and I’d been so annoyed that I kept putting it down and not trying to sort it out. So yes, very happy about that, and about having back my proper camera. I’d been using my old digital + Bluestacks, yeah? My digital was new in 2008, and we bought it in 2009 when the new model coming out made it suddenly cheap and cheerful. So this is like, Sing Hosanna or something to have it back, ha ha.
Digital what?
Today was the day I finally got off of my ass to ‘relaunch’ Digitalglitch. If you want to read the post, you can read it here. It’s basically an apology plus a quick sum up of things that I’ve been doing that y’all have heard about in passing here, and me expressing hope that I will get back on the ball when it comes to talking about gaming and knitting and things more in depth again. The first step is often the hardest, and that particular step was months (and months) in coming, to include the first paragraph or so. *sheepish* We’ll see how it goes. For now, I’m just sort of doddering between knitting projects, so that’s not going to provide much fodder. I guess I could opinionate on games… I’ll figure it out. I think that the thing that is going to work the most in my favour is if I manage to get into a scheduled rhythm for my non-dailies. *waves hands*
Anyhoos, I am going to get back to my never-ending Pokémon battle. Yeah, it’s the one I started yesterday morning, though to be fair, I’ve not done much on it today because of things like having to do real work-work, and glaring at my knitting trying to figure out something to do that isn’t socks or toys. The mouse is sort of annoying me already. I’m sure I’ll be less annoyed once I’ve got all the bits made and sewn on. I just wasn’t really in the mood for that kind of sewing on right now, I guess.