Tomorrow, dear Smallhausen will be seven. Blah blah, where does the time go, blah blah. I’m… not the most sentimental of people, I admit. I do feel a teense sentimental about this because oh haaaaay, my firstborn child levelling up. That’s something. She got a huge laugh out of Z this morning when she slapped her hands onto her cheeks and declared, ‘Oh my gosh I am going to be seven.’ Hahah yes, time to bust out the walker, my little one. *grins*

And knitting. Obviously.
Past that, just been doing various gaming and testing of my laptop. I’m currently running Sims 4 on low specs using the onboard graphics processor, and it seems to be ticking along happily enough. I’m still getting a Civilization VI fix on my desktop, which has been enhanced by adding a few choice mods from this list. Let me tell you, having a production queue again is freaking golden. My brain is so much happier for it. I had to start a fresh game to take advantage of it, but it was well worth it in my opinion.
As for Pokémon, I only have 40 to go until I have a 100% complete Pokédex. Most of that is just going to be grinding up levels on the Poni Plains. It’s coming along fairly fast all told, and it will be worth it to have the Shiny Charm. I feel the need to try and get it as soon as possible because what is going to happen to getting it once the National Pokédex is part of the game, yanno?
Right, back to the things.