I have pretty much done nothing besides writing today. I told myself that I was going to meet that 5,000 again, and try to surpass it. I’d set myself a hard cap of 10,000, but I’m definitely not going to make that without ending up a drooling wreck. The highest word count I’d ever gotten on a 750words.com entry was 8,317, so there’s that temptation to try and push to that point and a tiny bit beyond.
But hey, whatever the case, I will have less than 20,000 words to write after I add this to my count tomorrow morning. That’s pretty awesome.

Views From My Desk
Well, I guess I’ve gamed a wee bit. I’ve done a bit of spelunking in Minecraft, but mainly have been starting and restarting and turning around games of Civilization 6 while I think of how I can do better. My usual party trick is to build ALL THE CITIES, but it doesn’t work quite as smoothly in this iteration of the game. That’s fine — it makes me think more about how I am playing. I’ve almost hit my brain quota for the game, though having said that — I tried to start another game and my brain dragged me right back. What can I say, I love the game.
Right, off I go, back to trying to eke out a few more words. Or ignoring it completely to game. Either way is good!