Tag Archives: life

Outside Again *grumps*

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Well okay, not a full-on grump. Z proposed that we take the girls down to The Range to see if we could find anything to help keep them occupied on vacation (and the trips to and from). They’ve got water bottles for the car, a set of coloured pencils to share between them, and a couple of little colouring books…. Read more »

Storming the Castle

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Well okay, not REALLY storming a castle… more like heading to the Post Office at a quick dash, ha ha. I had to keep asking them to slow down and not get too far ahead of me. I’d let them here because it’s a pretty safe stretch of road, and we were on the right side of the road for… Read more »

Tiny Hello

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One thing about myself that amuses and bemuses me is my ability for fine work. I can thread needles fairly easily. I can write super-tiny (this being a sample thereof), and I can do all that stuff I make for my shop. I also shake like a leaf by default. Still, I have to wonder what writing I could do… Read more »

Complaining to the Internet

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One of those old maxims/everybody knows (at least, in my peer group) is that if you want something to go your way, then you need to complain to the internet. My version of it of the moment was to take this picture in protest of my fighting with GeForce Experience and Minecraft to agree. And then in the end I… Read more »


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The girls were complaining earlier that they were feeling a bit cold, so I let them borrow my arm warmers. Add in the cat hat Z found when cleaning yesterday, and Smalls was declaring herself a smaller version of me. I smile, though I’m quick to point out to her that while we share some similar facial features (especially around… Read more »

Nearly a Desk

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Z has continued his efforts in chipping out the study, and we have reached a stage that we have both been looking forward to — actually being able to reach the surface of the desk. I found out earlier that Smalls has explicitly staked a claim to it, which is fair. The television is hooked up to the PS2, and… Read more »


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Amongst the five million other jobs Z did today, he found time to help me build my new chair. I didn’t expect it to take long, but it was over even faster than I expected. Apparently it was designed to be done by one person, so two definitely made for quicker hands. While the distance between my butt and the… Read more »

Ugh, Finally

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After too much long a ridicul-time, I finally have the remainder of my order that went missing/never made it to me/never shipped? I messaged the seller to confirm receipt, and told him that I hope we’d not have to talk to each other again in a long time (but that as it stood, I still intended to purchase from them)…. Read more »

Summer in…

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I went outside for a minute to try and capture how my hair looks in natural light… -200/10, would not recommend going outside. It’s supposed to be hotter again tomorrow, which ugh. But it’s also supposed to be thunderstorms finally, which would be an effin’ godsend. I’m pretty sure that we’re in the area that hasn’t gotten rain since May…… Read more »

Out With the Old…

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Today, we finally got a chore done that should have gotten done a looong time ago — we got rid of the chairs that came with the house that we kept as a joke. Z and I got them taken outside and loaded up, and he took them to the tip. He also took Smalls with him, and they picked… Read more »