Tag Archives: kiddos

Third Time Around

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I have managed to make a lot of good out of this whole Monday thing for once. My morning writing efforts were knocked out well before the school run. I even had time enough to putter around a bit and get Littler’s ‘packed lunch’ ready for her when she got home. It amuses her to get her lunch out of… Read more »

Technique Testing

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In addition to the jumper that I am currently making for Z, I’m doing some blanket squares because heeeeey, all the blankets! I wasn’t terribly satisfied with the edges on the increased side of the square, so I’m tinkering with some other ways of increasing to give it a more uniform look. What I am doing right now gives it… Read more »

Ticking Along

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Today came with a wintry near surprise — there was like, two flakes of snow. I tried to get a picture, but it was too dark for my phone to catch anything. It’s supposed to precipitate more overnight, but whether it’s snow or whether it’s rain… well, that’s up to the weather deities to sort out. 🙂 Today’s picture comes… Read more »

Gray on Gray

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While most of my dialecticals have long since switched to nearly Pure British™Â®, I prefer the spelling of gray with an a. I think that’s in part due to Americans who use the e spelling normally being snotty knobheads, ha ha. But I figured it was the most apt description of this picture — they gray of the sky above… Read more »

Yeah, Sure

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Today’s picture comes to you compliments of driving through the town centre yesterday, and trying to get a picture of the Christmas decorations on the light posts. It was still too light at the time to get a good picture, but you can sort of get the squiggly idea there on the right-hand side. Today, I had a co-pilot all… Read more »

Tasting the Rainbow

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Littler decided she wanted to curl up on me and ‘help’ me play Pokemon, so I figured I’d get a picture of her being my cute little cuddle buddy. She immediately started pulling faces, because that’s what she does now when she sees a camera. Ah well, it’s still cute. And, amusingly, matched my shirt. I didn’t notice that until… Read more »

The Tiniest Kidnapper

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Smalls insists that Littler was trying to kidnap her here. I’m not sure how that would actually work, even accounting for how strong Littler is. Still, it was cute, so slap a few stickers on it, and it’s brutally kawaii, ha ha. I’m feeling really anxious today for some stupid reason. Yes, I have the LEEP/LEETZ tomorrow, but I am… Read more »

Bed Buddies

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While the girls have been sharing a room for some time now, they have something new in common — matching beds (and later this year, matching headboards). Littler’s bed was delivered this morning, and she had fun teasing her sister for having a ‘smaller’ bed. Small’s bed, being older, means that the mattress isn’t as perky, and it made for… Read more »


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351 refers to the number of stitches I had to cast on for this. I got lucky and got it right the first time — but I still counted it twice to make very sure that it was right. I’m currently knitting the first row before joining it in the round because it’s going to be easier to get it… Read more »

Not Spaghetti Squash

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Today, I had the dubious pleasure of coring four pumpkins for tomorrow. I don’t know what the frack happened, but two of them decided they were spaghetti squash and I had like, ALL THE STRANDS. My working theory of the moment is that it had to do with the tool I used on the two over the spoon I used… Read more »